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Video Summary

According to research, people who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. That’s big, so if you’re not promoting your products through email, you’re leaving money on the table.

An effective email marketing strategy converts prospects into customers and turns them into repeat buyers. Email marketing involves connecting with your prospects, turning them into customers, and helping them move forward on their customer journey.

So here are 10 tips you can use to effectively reach and engage your target audience through email marketing…

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Jeffrey Kirk.

Welcome to video #5 in the “how to get seen online” series. If you’d like to catch up on the previous videos, I’ve got the playlist link here for easy access. Today I’m going over the basics of email marketing, and I’m giving you some tips to put together an effective email marketing strategy for your business.

Before I get into that, let’s take care of a little bit of housekeeping… First, I have a checklist for you. It includes all 10 tips that I’m going to cover today along with action steps to help you get started with each one. You’ll find those at www.upatdawn.biz/10email

Second, would you please take a moment to subscribe to my channel if you haven’t done so already? Thanks for doing that!

Okay, now here’s why today’s topic is important. According to research, people who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. That’s big, so if you’re not promoting your products through email, you’re leaving money on the table.

An effective email marketing strategy converts prospects into customers and turns them into repeat buyers.

What is Email Marketing?

It’s a kind of marketing campaign used to promote special offers, and new product releases, content, webinars, and really, anything about your business or brand.

Email marketing involves connecting with your prospects, turning them into customers, and helping them move forward on their customer journey.

So here are 10 tips you can use to effectively reach and engage your target audience through email marketing…

Tip #1 Build a robust and engaged email list with opt-ins and lead magnets

Businesses often add an opt-in, like for a newsletter, to their website and then wait for people to sign up. Unfortunately, most of the time, this strategy doesn’t work. People don’t want to give away their contact information with nothing in return.

That’s why you need to attract people with a compelling offer. You need a lead magnet.

What’s a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is something you give away for free that your prospects value enough to provide their email address or other contact information in exchange. And the good news is, most lead magnets are digital materials like PDFs, or audios, or videos that you can create yourself at little or no cost.

It can be absolutely anything you want to give away, as long as it provides value. Some examples are eBooks, or tips, or cheat sheets, webinars, consultations, free trials or demos, coupons, checklists, and a whole lot more! Your lead magnet should be short but useful to your prospects and easy for them to get.

If you remember, a minute ago or so I pointed you to upatdawn.biz/10email to get access to the checklist and action steps based on this video. That’s a lead magnet. For an example of a lead magnet, you can actually go there to see exactly what I have done.

Tip #2 Segment your email list based on subscriber preferences, behaviors, and demographics

Rather than sending an email blast to your entire list, send specific emails to subsets of your subscribers. Doing this will help you convert better.

Email list segmentation is the process of breaking your subscribers into smaller groups based on specific criteria so you can send them more personalized and relevant emails. Doing this helps you reach those in your list who actually want and need something specific. And you avoid spamming your other subscribers.

When someone subscribes, you could send them a welcome email. But after that you might separate people based on their interests and preferences.

For example, if you watch this video and subscribe to get the Email Marketing Checklist, then you’ll get more emails related to email marketing, while those who subscribed to get the Social Media Checklist from a different video will get more emails related to that subject.

Other ways to segment include by location or activity. Or by those who have engaged recently versus those who haven’t. You can even send reminders to those who put items in their cart but didn’t check out.

Tip #3 Create compelling subject lines and email copy that appeals to your target audience

When you receive an email, what’s the first thing you look at? It’s the subject line!

If the subject line doesn’t get your attention, you’ll never read the email. So, subject lines are critical. You want to make subject lines that are curious enough to open, but not so confusing that the subscriber has no clue what you’re talking about. When in doubt, include numbers. People tend to find numbers interesting.

Also, be sure to use a friendly and conversational tone using words your subscribers would use. The goal is to get that email opened and read.

Tip #4 Personalize emails to address subscribers by name and reference their interests and behaviors

If you can tell the same identical email has been sent to four hundred thousand people, do you really want to open it or read it? Probably not.

Even if the message isn’t technically spam, it feels like it is. And that’s why it’s important to write as if you’re speaking to an individual, with a personal subject line and a personal message. Write like you’re writing to a friend. To write this way, you have to know who your target customers are. You need to understand their problems, their desires, their values, the things they like, their dislikes, and why did they subscribe to your list?

If you don’t know this information, it’s time to talk to them. Chat with them. Ask for feedback. Ask questions that will help you understand what their needs are and how they think. And then, when writing your emails, take off your corporate hat and write like a friend. This way you really appeal to your subscribers, so they open and click on your emails.

Tip #5 Use eye-catching images, videos, and graphics to enhance the visual appeal of your emails

Visuals are eye-catching. Imagine reading an email full of large blocks of text. How much do you really read before hitting delete?

Images and visuals boost engagement. In fact, studies have shown that people can recall as much as 65% of visual content up to three days later compared to just 10% of text-based content. And people follow visual instructions 32% better than written instructions, so it’s a good idea to use images when directing your readers to take a desired action.

You may be thinking that when a subscriber opens your email, you’ve essentially won the battle. However, the actual content of your email also plays an important role in your open rates. And what I mean is, if your subscribers are happy with your email content in one message, they are more likely to anticipate and read your next one.

On the other hand, if they don’t like your first email, there’s a higher chance that they’ll never open another. The higher the value of every email you send, the more loyal your subscribers become, and your open rate goes up.

Tip #6 Incorporate clear and prominent calls-to-action in your emails to drive conversions

A call-to-action, or CTA, is a way to tell your audience what to do next. They are great for helping your subscribers continue on their path with your business.

Do you want them to Sign-up? To download? To purchase? When you know your goals, it’s easier to decide which calls-to-action to use and where to put them throughout your emails. A good strategy would be to include strong CTAs after the first paragraph and again at the end.

It’s important to tell your audience what to do next because they may not know exactly what they should do. So, what do you want them to do? I’ll tell you what you don’t want. You don’t want them to be confused because people who are confused do nothing.

Tip #7 Optimize your email campaigns to improve the open rates, click-through rates, and conversions

To get the best results, monitor the performance of your emails to identify areas that need changing. Then, use A/B testing to identify potential improvements. Pay attention to your open rates, click-through-rates, and unsubscribe rates.

Your open rate explains how many people actually open up your emails. Your goal is to get them excited to receive your emails. If your numbers are not where you want them to be then you need to check your strategy.

Are your subject lines as good as they can be? Are you sending your emails at the best possible times?

And then your click-through-rates. When people open your email, are they actually taking the action you want them to take? If not, then maybe your call-to-action isn’t quite clear enough or the link is not easy for them to find.

And how about the unsubscribe rate? A high unsubscribe rate can indicate that you’re losing potential customers. Why did they subscribe in the first place, and are you meeting those expectations? Maybe you are sending too many salesy type emails with too little value.

Tip #8 Measure the success of your email marketing efforts

The success of your email marketing campaign isn’t just about sending emails. To understand which strategies are effective, you must track the performance of your campaigns. That means defining and tracking the right key performance indicators (KPIs).

Depending on your goals, your KPIs might include open rates, click-through-rates, number of sales, sales dollars, traffic to your content, as well as the unsubscribe rates. Measure everything. Then, with this data, you can adjust and optimize your campaign to maximize the results.

Tip #9 Automate your email campaigns to save time and ensure consistent and relevant messaging

Depending on the size of your email list, my guess is that you won’t have enough time to personally respond to every new subscriber. As your list grows, it becomes harder and harder to keep up. So how do you do it? The secret is email automation.

Automatically send out emails scheduled in advance and send emails based on triggers. Everything can be automated and still feel very personal to the recipients.

If you don’t have an automated email campaign system, go to uadlinks.com/lists and get started for free.

Tip #10 Continue experimenting to keep your campaigns fresh and engaging

Test different email subject line formulas, different content formats, and different CTAs. See which ones get the best engagement with your subscribers, and adjust your strategy accordingly. And don’t forget to use different content types. You want to find the best way to create awareness, convert your leads into clients, and ascend those clients higher up your value ladder.

By implementing these things, you can effectively reach and engage with your target audience, build stronger relationships, and drive more traffic and sales using your total online presence.

Email marketing remains a powerful driver of sales and revenue for your business. And it continues to have greater reach and return on investment than other channels available today.

Once again, I invite you to pick up a copy of these 10 tips along with action steps you can take to implement these tips. Go to upatdawn.biz/10email and get started now.

Your business deserves to be seen online, and I will help you get there.

Thanks for watching and have a great day!


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